Welcome to Middletown Church!

Our community is made up of wonderfully imperfect human beings who aim to love, encourage, support & challenge each other.

We have discovered, through our own experiences, that there is a God who created, loves, and seeks relationship with us. We find the Bible is surprisingly relevant to us in our messy, frequently confusing lives. Through the Bible, God offers us hope in the midst of a chaotic world that often seems starved for hope.

Hi! I’m Pastor Doug McPheeters & it’s my pleasure to introduce you to our church.

We believe that real, face-to-face community is essential to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We endeavor to channel the hope we have for the world through meaningful connections with our neighbors to help meet the needs of those around us. I invite you to explore our programs or read more about our worship service.

Explore our history

Middletown Church is the oldest Presbyterian Church in Delaware County. It dates back to the early 1720’s, when “dissenters” began meeting, probably first in homes, and then built a log church. George Whitfield, the evangelist of the First Great Awakening, preached here in 1741.

In 1766, they built the stone church, whose walls still stand. A fire destroyed the interior in 1879, and it was rebuilt in the style of the times.

In 1923 a new sanctuary was built. The original church was used for Sunday School. In the 1950’s, a Sunday School wing was added on the other side of the original church. In 1966, the sanctuary was doubled in size and the tower and administration wing were added. Projects to update our sanctuary, add an elevator and renovate office spaces and Fellowship Hall were completed in 2011 and 2013.

The graves in our cemetery go back to the very beginning of the church.  Among the notables buried there is Persifor Frazer, a Brigadier General in the Revolutionary War, and his wife, Mary Frazer.

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